Welcome to nonproliferation.ge!
The site was designed by the Civil Council on Defense and Security with support from the Swedish Radiation and Safety Authority. The site was created to promote collaboration between Georgian research and education organisations and their international partners to evaluate human and technical capacities on nuclear and radiation monitoring and emergency response in Georgia. Besides, the website serves as an online source for students, professionals and interested public on non-proliferation, nuclear security and safety, export control and illicit trafficking.
Background Radiation's MOBILE Monitoring
Description 3
Background Radiation's STATIONARY Monitoring
Nuclear Nonproliferation and Export Control English-Georgian DICTIONARY
Media Coverage

შავი ზღვის ქალთა ქსელი ბირთვული უსაფრთხოებისთვის წარმოადგენს პროფესიულ გაერთიანებას, რომლის მიზანია ხელი შეუწყოს ბირთვულ სექტორში გენდერულ თანასწორობას და ქალთა ჩართულობის გაზრდას, თანასწორი და მხარდამჭერი გარემოს შექმნას. ქსელის მისიაა ერთმანეთთან დააკავშიროს, დაეხმაროს და გააძლიეროს ქალები, რომლებიც მუშაობენ ბირთვული ენერგიისა და რადიაციის სფეროში, ბირთვული უსაფრთხოებისა და გაუვრცელებლობის საკითხებზე. ქსელი აერთიანებს ქალებს  მეცნიერების, ტექნოლოგიების, ინჟინერიისა და მათემატიკის (STEM) სფეროდან, ქსელის წევრები არიან  სამთავრობო, არასამთავრობო, აკადემიური, თუ სამოქალაქო სექტორის წარმომადგენლები. ქალთა გამოცდილების გაზიარება, მენტორობა და პროფესიული უნარების განვითარების ხელშეწყობა ქსელის ერთ-ერთ მთავარი ფუნქცია.


შავი ზღვის ქალთა ქსელი ბირთვული უსაფრთხოებისთვის


უკრაინაში რუსეთის შეჭრასთან დაკავშირებით

მოწოდება მშვიდობისა და უსაფრთხოებისათვის



by Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network (BSWN) - regional professional network
for advancing women working in the nuclear sector

on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Call Upon Unity for Achieving Peace and Security

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and military aggression against a sovereign state is a direct challenge to the existing global security architecture and nuclear security and nonproliferation regime. One of the states of the Black Sea region is in a war. Ukrainian cities are under attacks from Russia’s aggressive military force conducting inhumane and unlawful military operations.

We are proud to see that Western democracies are mobilizing against Russia’s malicious acts and aggression, and we unite to protect Ukraine, its people’s lives and the integrity and sovereignty of the country which is a strong member of the nuclear nonproliferation regime.

There are serious nuclear security and nonproliferation concerns stemming from Russia’s military aggression: Russia’s ongoing disinformation and propaganda is targeting nuclear security and nonproliferation. Russia is using fake news to justify its malicious unlawful actions which threaten Ukraine and entire world.

We, a professional community of women and men from the Black Sea Region, express our support for the unprecedented mobilization of Western countries to stop Russian aggression and stop the war. Unity is essential for neutralizing threats to nuclear security in Ukraine and supporting its recovery from the war.

We are heartbroken with the suffering of Ukrainian people. We also applaud nuclear professionals trying to protect the country’s civilian nuclear facilities from malicious acts of the Russian army.

On February 25. Russian military forces seized control of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant and held NPP personnel hostage.

On March 4, Russian troops shelled the Zaporizhzhia NPP which resulted in fires at the ZNPP site. ZNPP power units remain intact. Unit 1 compartment auxiliary buildings have been damaged, which does not affect the safety of the unit. The systems and components important to the safety of the NPP are operational.

The Russian Federation committed another act of nuclear terrorism on March 6 when the neutron source located on the site of the National Scientific Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology” (KIPT) came under fire. 

We call on the Russian Federation to stop attacks on Ukraine’s civilian nuclear facilities. We also demand that Russa respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence.

We call on the international community to take all necessary measures to stop the war and start urgent negotiations for withdrawing Russia’s military forces from the territory of Ukraine and continue protecting nuclear facilities from any sabotage and attack.

We stand ready to lend our expertise, time, and support to ensure a safe, peaceful, and independent nuclear sector in Ukraine.


Natalia Klos, BSWN Coordinator
On behalf of the Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network


Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network (BSWNN) is a regional professional network for advancing women working in the nuclear sector. Its mission is to connect, support, and empower women in the fields of nuclear energy, radiation applications, nuclear security, and nonproliferation. Interdisciplinary by nature, the network will bring together women in STEM and policy from national governments, industry, civil society, and academia from the region’s countries. The network will serve as a platform for professionals to promote gender equity and increase women's leadership roles in nuclear security and nonproliferation, as well as offer professional exchanges, mentoring, and training opportunities